Ron Paul Isn't Out, He's ALL IN!


“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”- Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"Despite misleading headlines to the contrary, Ron Paul has not dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, nor has the campaign for liberty come to an end.  In fact, it is stronger than ever and merely changing gears as we shift into a new phase of the campaign.It's true that the Ron Paul campaign has recently made the decision not to utilize it's resources in the remaining primary states, but by no means is he dropping out.  Instead, the campaign is shifting all of it's resources towards pursuing it's strategy of acquiring as many delegates as possible to send to the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.  Many supporters are disheartened by the campaign's press release and the media's subsequent (and false) conclusion that he has therefore suspended his campaign, and understandably so.  Ron Paul supporters are a dedicated bunch, and understand  how important it is to address things like The Federal Reserve's devaluation of the currency and the ongoing loss of civil liberties in this country.  If we are subjected to a four month "debate" between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, none of these issues will be addressed.  The ideas of liberty that Ron Paul has and continues to inject into the political process are gaining more traction than ever, and in no way is now the time to relent.As much as we would love to see the airwaves of Texas and California filled with ads for the Ron Paul campaign and tearing Mitt Romney apart, it is simply not realistic.  Such a feat would literally take tens of millions of dollars that the grassroots campaign of Ron Paul simply doesn't have.  Remember, we don't have Goldman Sachs, General Electric and the other players that have massive influence on our media, financial and political systems backing us.  Unlike Newt Gingrich, who suspended his campaign with over $5 Million in debt, the Paul campaign will not go into debt.  This reflects the man's fiscal conservatism and is right in line with how we can expect he would act as President.Instead of wasting the few million in resources it does have on a few scant advertisements in expensive and vast markets, the campaign has decided to focus all of it's attention on helping gain delegates on the state level.  As Paul has said from the very beginning, "it's all about the delegates".   The delegates at the RNC in Tampa control the convention, not meaningless beauty contests polls conducted in primaries.  While it's true that many of those state primaries will bind delegates to vote for Mitt Romney on the first ballot, the actual physical delegates are chosen at the state conventions, and this is where the Paul campaign has been achieving great successes.There are some realities we must face in life, and the Paul campaign isn't going to live in fantasy land and act like it can compete with Mitt Romney's millions in the coming primaries.   As campaign adviser Doug Wead stated in a recent interview, the Paul campaign has spent more per delegate than the others , and it has shown in with its' recent victories.  Of course, this is not occurring without resistance, and there have been many recent shenanigans by the Establishment GOP to try to block  Paul supporters from taking delegate spots.  A Romney operative has even been caught on video at the recent Nevada GOP convention distributing fake slates of Paul delegates to attempt to split the vote.  See the video below.It's clear that the Establishment is afraid when they are attempting tactics such as this.  And it's quite ironic that the media that has for months pretended Paul was not actually in the race is now making a point to emphasis that well, now he really isn't.  On the surface, it appears that the Ron Paul campaign is in retreat.  In reality, the campaign for liberty is entering a new phase and going all in on its' delegate strategy.  Mitt Romney may very well end up with 1,144 bound delegates in Tampa and become the GOP nominee.  But three months is a long time, and a lot can happen between now and then.  Regardless, Paul's continued accumulation of delegates will ensure that he is eligible to be nominated on the convention floor and that the issues that are so important to our freedom will not be shoved under the rug and forgotten about.  It is more important than ever to donate to the campaign and participate in the upcoming grassroots money bomb on May 17th.The Campaign for Liberty is not over.  On the contrary, it has only just begun.{Note: For a further discussion of where the Ron Paul campaign is headed, tune in to The New American Media's "Agree to Disagree" show streaming live this Friday at 7:30 EST/4:30.  Host and friend of the site, Brian Engelman, will have the creator of the above video exposing the Romney operative with the fraudulent slates in Nevada, Blake "The Eccentric" on the show. Yours truly will also  make be on the show for a segment to discuss the current direction of the Paul campaign and recent events at the OK and AZ conventions.}Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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