RNC Foul Play Assures Ron Paul Supporters Will Not Vote Romney


There has been an ongoing battle between Ron Paul supporters and the now visibly corrupt and morally bankrupt GOP over Ron Paul's delegate count and rightful spot speaking at the Republican National Convention upcoming. Through the continued efforts of the GOP to stymie Ron Paul and his supporters via any means necessary, legal or not, they have assured that no Ron Paul supporter will vote for their preemptively anointed candidate come election time.Throughout Dr. Paul's campaign, the GOP has played dirty. Instances of blocking Ron Paul supporters from voting, intimidation of RP supporters, violence and outright vote fraud have all come to light. The terrified fatcats of the GOP will do everything and anything in their power to stop Ron Paul from gaining any fair shot at the Presidency.  And now even a chance to speak his mind at the RNC, which he should be assured a rightful spot at due to his amassed delegates, has been stripped away and replaced with an insulting "tribute" from the Romney camp.Ron Paul's delegate total according to the Paul campaign is 373, however some of those delegates are bound to vote for Romney by state rules. To gain a speaking position at the RNC, a candidate is required to have won or have a plurality in 5 or more states. The RNC, in an unprecedented move to silence Paul, attempted to raise the requirement to 10, however was slapped down by those with consciences and respect for the process. That leaves Paul with a tally of 3 states that the GOP & Mitt Romney's Lawyers haven't been able to weasel him out of: Nevada, Iowa, and Minnesota. Maine and Louisiana are also being split, which would give Dr. Paul the required 5 states that he would need to speak. However, those split state compromises were reached in an effort to quiet the Paul camp and avoid protests and competing conventions during the RNC. The requirement for the GOP to back off it's false trial and fabricated violations of the results in the Louisiana and Maine caucuses is that Ron Paul not speak at the National Convention.  He will be holding a rally beforehand, however.Of course, there is also news today that even though a Maine compromise was reached, the GOP continues to show its true colors, and has since sliced the delegate count from Maine supporting Ron Paul in half, kicking out 10 of 20 delegates. Why? Because of ridiculous accusations that those delegates somehow violated party rules.In response to the rightful animosity from Ron Paul supporters, and to try too woo some support, Mitt Romney announced that he would be airing a "tribute" video, honoring Paul's ideals and the concepts of Libertarianism. He'll also highlight some of the (few) similarities between his campaign and Paul's - like Romney's new-found support to Audit the Fed.If Romney thinks this gesture will mean anything to Paul supporters, his understanding of the liberty movement is equal to his misguided views on foreign policy. This video is an insult. If someone steals my dinner and then gives me back a bite, it does nothing but remind me of what was taken from me, and make me that much hungrier to get that meal back. After the games, the lies, the cheating and legal shenanigans that the GOP and Romney have pulled, they very well may have lost any and all Ron Paul supporters forever, past Mitt Romney and well into the future. I have debated voting for Romney as a lesser-evil to Obama, but I can't in good conscience vote for any GOP candidate now and I feel that very few Ron Paul supporters will either.The GOP is terrified of change and is willing to spite the people who would make up the future and be the savior of their party. It reminds me of a ship full of rich but ancient merchants, shooting at perceived rats in the hold to stop them from eating their grain. However, the bullets rarely succeed in doing anything but punching holes in the hull, hastening the inevitable sinking of a groaning old ship.Update: Friend of the site, Brain Engelman of The New American Media, discussed this article on a recent episode of his weekly "Agree to Disagree" program.  Please give a listen to his insightful take.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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