5 Lessons From Ron Paul’s “We Are The Future” Speech


Last night, as Tropical Storm Isaac plowed its way towards Tampa, a real storm was brewing in the Sun Dome - a liberty storm of Ron Paul supporters waiting to hear the speech that won't be allowed at the Republican National Convention.Typically I like to use this space to ramble on and on, and believe me I will return shortly to do so. But until then, watch the Conscience of the GOP and The Godfather of the real Tea Party give one last address to his supporters, both present and future.What could I possibly add to this speech? Probably not much, so instead I'll give you 5 Lessons I Took Away From Ron Paul's "We Are The Future" Speech:1.The Revolution Is Not Over, It Is Just Beginning. Paul begins by referencing a number of mainstream media articles proclaiming that the revolution won't be happening. His response? "Don't They Wish!".  He discusses how the Republican Party should want to welcome them into the tent with all their passionate enthusiasm.  But emphasized that they don't matter, because soon the Revolution will BE "The Tent".   He mentioned how he was at 33 college campuses and that is where the Revolution is really taking place, with the youth.  Liberty activists, even in the face of foul play by the RNC, need to stay involved with their local politics and continue to take it over.  We will have much more success from the inside than shouting from the outside.2. Stay Principled. Dr Paul mentioned how many people throughout the campaign have said something along the lines of "You could have more success, if only you'd change your foreign policy", to which the crowd predictably booed.  But Paul believes that if he didn't stay consistent and didn't promote a foreign policy of honesty and peace he wouldn't have the success and enthusiastic supporters that he has today.  "Success" doesn't always mean immediate victory, it means creating change by standing principled to one's beliefs.  They are mutually exclusive.3. Always Speak Out.  Ron Paul points out how Ron Paul supporters are always speaking out, which is why they are informed on things like the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA despite complete silence from the mainstream media. Paul also makes a particular point to express his soft spot for "whistleblowers" - those that boldly expose government and spoke out in support of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. He compared Manning to Daniel Ellsburg, who released [amazon_link id="007028380X" target="_blank" ]The Pentagon Papers[/amazon_link] leaking the truth about the Vietnam war and Assange to the New York Times who published them.  Both were chastised and accused of treason by the US Government, but both were exonerated.  It's important to always continue to speak out and work to protect those that do.4. Don't Be Outraged. We will never change the hearts and minds of the people if we are always seen as being angry.  There is certainly plenty to be angry about, but its important to channel that into a constructive dialogue.  Paul says that if he had been outraged by every terrible thing that has happened since he'd come to Congress 35 years ago, he wouldn't have lasted even 5 years! As outrageous as things like the NDAA and multiple wars are, we will not end them if we are seen as a mob of ranting lunatics. Speak out, but do so calmly and rationally.5. Have fun! If there is one thing you can tell from Dr. Paul's demeanor during this speech, is that he is having a blast! He stresses that its important not to worry too much about what one "should" do to advance liberty, because everyone should do whatever comes naturally. For some that may be running for office.  For others it may be just be starting a website with your college buddies, as in the case of the authors of this site.  As painful as they were, I had a blast poking fun at the process throughout the GOP debates. I have fun every time I write a post on this site and can discuss the ideas of liberty.  I do this because I feel it is important, but I also do it because I like doing it.   Do what you have fun doing, and it will make what you do that much more effective. He may not speak at the RNC, but the ideas Dr. Paul has brought to the forefront will surely be present in political debate for the rest of our lifetimes. You heard it here first.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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