Ron Paul & The RNC: Where Is The Liberal Media Bias When We Need It?


Tragically, in the midst of all of the abominable cretinism shown by Mitt Romney's camp and the RNC, the Lions of Liberty editorial team is mired in our everyday jobs and unable to post as much as we'd like. However, one quick thought passed through my mind which I would like to share. For the liberal media, as much as they love to hate the GOP and Ron Paul (despite Ron's sharing many policy points in common with Democrats), there is a stunning silence stemming from the liberal/main stream media. When I google results about the RNC changing their own rules to spite Ron Paul, spitting in the face of the formerly democratic process they themselves designed, there is nary a mention that I can find on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS or virtually any other major media outlet. Fox News has a small story on it. Brietbart, another (shared). I'm 4 pages deep in my Google search and the only real major political media outlets covering this screwjob are the Daily Beast and the New Yorker. And that is despite the ultimate "love to hate" former Veep candidate, Sarah Palin speaking out against the shameful slight of hand the RNC pulled. To its credit, Esquire has been tracking the story the whole time.I had honestly thought that this would be a rallying cry for the Democrats and for the liberal media to attack the GOP and the farce that is the Republican National Convention. What better ammunition would be needed than what the GOP has provided? The utter disdain for the honest delegate process. The abhorrent and blatant lies to discredit elected delegates by Mitt Romney and the GOP. The "on the spot" move to amend the rules for nominations, upping it from 5 States needed to 8, that "passed" through a voice vote on the floor of the convention. According to multiple sources, that vote was a strong "Nay" with smatterings of "Ayes" that was gaveled through by Speaker Boehner - a man who is, in the opinion of this writer, the equivalent of a sack of warm pig feces for his actions during this soap opera (not that I was a big fan before either). This should have been the basis for hours of coverage and cackling glee from harpies like Rachel Maddow. But I have heard nary a peep.I have long decried the bias of the MSM against Ron Paul and the Republican party, but when we need that bias to show itself the most, they are utterly silent. They will not discuss this travesty in earnest or with the coverage it deserves, even though it is their journalistic duty to do so. The hijacking of the democratic processes of one of America's two primary parties. The solidification of power within one group...what more could there be for the liberal media to latch on to? Alas, they have refused to take the bait.I am disappointed in the GOP. I am disappointed in my fellow Americans for allowing this to happen. And I am disappointed with the joke profession that calls itself Journalism.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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