Lions of Liberty VP Debate Tweet Recap


Sorry for the late posting of the great VP Debate of 2012, also known as the "BLUSTER'S LAST STAND!" But...better late than never. This was originally live-Tweeted last night from our @lionsofliberty feed, so if you're on Twitter, give us a follow.

- Predictions for 1st #VPDebate: #Biden walks out with bucket stuck to his foot; Ryan rips suit at bicep pointing to cost saving tax cuts.

- Is the firm arm grab and fake 5 seconds of banter mandatory? #VPDebate

- Ooooh getting right to the thick! Libya! #VPDebate

- Biden criticizes Romney for having wanted to keep 30,000 troops in Iraq; has no problem with even more contractors making 3x $ #VPDebate

-Biden: The last thing we need now is another war (unless it's against Syria...or Iran) #VPDebate

-Oooh Paul Ryan gives Bo Biden a shout out! Wait a minute, Joe named his son "Bo"? BO BIDEN?! This really is pro wrestling. #VPDebate

-Biden pulls out "Mularkey" early. He's got his full bag of tricks tonight! #debates

-Paul Ryan just looks happy to be here. #VPDebate

-Paul Ryan: I am opposed to urinating on Caliban Corpses. #VPDebate #debates

-How did we know there was Al Qaeda in Libya? Oh yeah, we sent them there, I forgot. #VPDebate

-Martha Raddatz wants to move to Iran; I would have no problem with this. #VPDebate

-Funny how Paul Ryan rattles off the all of the different sanctions against Iran over the years....and then "if only we had sanctions!"

-Paul Ryan sounds like Paul Krugman when he claims the Recession caused by @ printing isn't getting better cuz we need more $ printing

-Ryan and Biden agree: We can only prevent War with Acts of War. #VPDebate

-Biden: "Hey not to give away any classified info but...we could pretty much blow the crap out of that Iran place" #VPDebate

-Biden broke into the 'ol West Wing Whiskey Cabinet this eve, it's fair to say. #VPDebate

-Ryan: "The centrifuges are moving faster!!!!!" (no joke, actual quote) #VPDebate

-Martha Raddatz: "I mean, did you like, SEE that CARTOON BOMB Bibi Netanyahu had??!??!?" #VPDebate

-Biden is accurately describing the terrible effects of the sanctions on innocent people. Again, no joke here. #VPDebate

-So....does Benjie Netanyahu really like being called "Bibi" or do they do that just to annoy him? #VPDebate

-Ive never been to Israel and yet somehow I have so many allies there! Good to know! #VPDebate

-"Big Nations Don't Bluff!" I'm basically just retweeting Biden at this point. #VPDebate

-We'll get unemployment under 6% no matter what! We'll tax unemployment if we have to! #VPDebate

-What the plan is only 5 points now? I coulda sworn it was 51 just last week! These guys really are serious about downsizing. #VPDebate

-Ryan: "Mitt Romney's a car guy. Just ask his dog" #VPDebate

-"Mitt Romney cares about 100% of the people in this country. And 0% of the people in Iran!" #VPDebate

-Biden rightfully slamming Ryan for his hypocrisy on government spending - voted for every big spending bill under Bush.

-This is why if Republicans wanted to win they wouldn't have nominated big government RINO's #VPDebate

-Hahaha SHOCK - Ryan tried to get stimulus money just like every other phony "small government" Republican. #VPDebate

-"Cronyism" or not - government spending always creates malinvestment and always with funds stolen from regular people. #VPDebate

-If a robber promises someone else money it doesn't mean I owe it to them to make sure it's paid.

-Ryan sneakily bringing up "Death Panels" - without the Paln-esque cajones to actually call them that. #VPDebate

-Biden" We stopped overpaying insurance companies" - instead we're going to force everyone else to! #VPDebate

-Biden sums up the problem with government: "Do you have more BENEFITS today?" Not more freedom, who cares about that?! #VPDebate

-To be clear: The only argument is how MUCH of other people's money the government should take and redistribute? No ? of IF. #VPDebate

-Well if the debate won't give me a pee break I'm going to have to make my own. A Tip O'Neil reference seems like a good time. #VPDebate

-This is like listening to a married couple $50,000 in debt arguing about whether they can afford Lobster or Prime Ribeye for dinner

-Ryan: "This is what politicians do when they don't have a record to run on". Yup. #VPDebate

-Did Biden just use the number 100 Million Billion??? #VPDebate

-Ryan: "There aren't enough rich people to tax". That's why we have The Fed, silly! #VPDebate #EndTheFed

-Tip O'Neil reference #2, this time from Ryan. It'a Tip-Off! #VPDebate


-Who makes $1 million per year? A boat load of small business owners that employ a ton of other people, per chance? #VPDebate

-Much like when in office, these two aren't concerned about the rules at all. #VPDebate

-Martha: "Noone" wants the automatic spending cuts! No one in government, anyway.

-Again, everyone playing along with the lie about "cuts" to the military...the "cuts" arent' even cuts, they are reductions in INCREASES.

-Ryan: Withdrawing from Afghanistan will have a terrible effect on my fun vacations there when I get to play soldier! #VPDebate

-"We" "We" "We"...Joe you've been sitting in an office watching Rugbee and drinking Wild Turkey for 4 years. #VPDebate

-49 Allies! 49! FORTY-NIIIINEEE!

-Again, another argument based on a fact premise that we are actually "leaving" Afghanistan in 2014. #VPDebate

-OOOh it's time for Geography With Joe! #VPDebate

-I have a third about we let Syrians figure out the government of Syria!

-"Foreign fighters are pouring into Syria" kidding, and with fresh U.S. money and arms as a Welcome Kit! #VPDebate

-Ryan on the criteria for war: "Best interests of the American people er, I mean the strategic interests of the gov't, er I mean if I wanna!"

-Time for everyone's favorite show, Bring Up A Divisive Issue That Has Zero To Do With The Presidency! #VPDebate

-Ryan:" I believe that life begins at conception...and ends with a drone strike" #VPDebate

-Biden isn't being facetious when he calls Ryan his "friend" ...these guys are all friends in Big Government and will be high fivin' after

-@GO4ITUSA It's been real, but advocating violence is where I draw the Twitter line. Later.

-Ryan: "We will not impose these devastating cuts to the military...that I voted for". #VPDebate

-To sum it up: Biden and Ryan both agree: Government owns your life and your labor, and only it will determine how that labor is utilized.

-Ryan: "there are many fine people who could lead this country...but what you really need is someone that looks like Eddie Muenster"

-Enough of this...back to Yankees/Orioles, the outcome of which will effect many more lives than the outcome of the 2012 Election. #VPDebate

-Every single "argument" was based around a false premise - military "cuts", Afghan withdrawl, etc. #VPDebate

Thus ends the Tweetcap! Hope you were able to follow along in real time, and we look forward to the next meeting of the hive minds in the next Presidential Debate.

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