Mondays With Murray: Rothbard On Private Roads


After braving through the Vice Presidential Debate last week in order to bring you, our fellow lovers of liberty (and even those curious passers-by who aren't quite sure!), our usual tweets throughout the debate, it's time for a much needed return to sanity.  Luckily for all of us, it's Monday which means another edition of Mondays with Murray Rothbard!In this edition we have yet another clip from a question and answer session that took place at the 1989 Michigan Libertarian Party Convention.  Here Rothbard answers a question about the viability of private roads.Rothbard makes an excellent point in saying that people get so accustomed to something being run in one way by a single entity that when changed, they can't comprehend it being done in any other way. Roads are the best example of this (perhaps even moreso than military defense or police protection ) because many people can't ever recall a time when roads were built privately and thus can't comprehend the way in which private roadways would be built or maintained.  The market will always dictate a way to supply a product that is in demand and roads are no different. If the government was removed, the market would work out a solution very quickly.Our current system of government roads in the United States causes about 40,00 deaths per year. What private company could stay in business with that kind of track record of killing it's customers?  Only government monopoly can continue on with such a horrendous record.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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