The 2nd Presidential Debate Tweet Cap!


Despite some technical difficulties, myself and fellow writer Brian McWilliams somehow found a way to once again tweet our way through another Presidential Debate.  Due to the mental synapse that occurs from watching these displays, you'll have to accept my apologies for a short and non-witty intro.Time to let the tweets do the talkin'!Candy Crawley must share a common ancestor with The Grinch. #debateDid someone dig up John Candy, put a wig on him and have hire him to moderate this #debate?Romney and Obama both can't get enough student loans to people who won't be able to repay them. Digging holes for the future, baby! #debateObama wants to take $ from war to invest in America, yet state department is negotiating to keep troops in Afghanistan... #2012debateIf I were Romney I would institute a 50 point "Rock n' Jock" style plan. 5 points just can't get it done. #2012debateObama citing job losses at GM if no gov't intervention but free market would have scooped up the parts. Fiat & Chrysler anyone? #2012debatePhillip channeling Woody Allen with his question. #2012debateObama wants to look to the future, which means subsidizing and regulation, like with ethanol...pushing gas prices, meat and corn up..Romney taking it to Obama on drilling. Adeptly points out he is not "Mr.Oil." #2012DebateObama read the reports and is calling Romney a liar at every opportunity. Fire to Pants ratio for Romney soon to mentioned. #2012DebateWhoo boy! This is turning into a Springer episode! I can't wait to find out who is the father of Obama's baby! #2012DebateRomney on oil prices: scoreboard #2012DebateObama: "We've built enough pipe to wrap around the entire Earth once!". Pretty sure he's referring to his "Choom Gang" days here, not oil.Obama wants to somehow reinvent his economic model to make it magically fiscally beneficial by doing the exact same things. 4 more years!And The CryptKeeper is now here with a question on Casket Deductions...#2012DebateThe cost of subsidizing these green jobs is absurd. Take away all subsidization and let the market dictate.Shouldn't the reason people should have lower taxes be because they EARNED THE MONEY AND ITS THEIRS?Romney: Pick a number! Any number! I'll deduct it! Fill the bucket!Romney: "No Tax on your savings...oh except that pesky inflation tax"Tells you how far the "debate" has shifted when the Republican nominee is promising NOT to cut taxes on those darn "wealthy".This #debate is like a Spice Girls song. They are telling us what they want, they really really want.." But not HOW they will do it.Bigger train wreck: Presidential Debate or Yankees ALCS Collapse?These townhall participants look like rejects from Central (America) Casting.According to Obama, tax credits are what grown the economy. How about just, you know, stop the taxes in the first place?Obama laying the class warfare on thick #2012debateOooohhhh ! Obama pulls out a "1%" reference! Shout out to his homies at Occupy Wall Street!Is it me or has nobody actually mentioned cutting spending yet? All this tax talk is nice, but every dime spent by Gov is a tax.Easy Obie! You know you're not aloud to ask Romney questions! It's in the debate agreement! Oh wait there's an exemption for rhetorical ?sObama loves the double taxation of capital gains #Debates2012If "somehow" the numbers don't up...SOMEHOW? How about tens of Trillions in unfunded liabilities? No, folks, none of it "adds up".#debateHow about we pay for all of the debt by actually closing some of the military bases we have around the world? #2012debateObama is going to talk about having increased government spending less than Bush. The key word: INCREASED. Wait for it. #2012debateEasy fellas! Getting dangerously close to those pre-arranged walking zone borders! #2012debateObama's Autobiography: "For Whom The Pell Tolls" #Debates2012What are either of these two going to say? "Screw chicks, bro." No, of course not. Women on staff pissing contest, GO! #2012debateThis questioner questions a return to Bush era policies under Romney, but other than Obamacare, not much policy has changed!Romney wants to crack down on trade with China...our biggest trade partner and owner of most of our debt. That'll go well. #2012DebateOdds are our drone friendly country also uses those Chinese products that spy On their own people. #Debate2012Obama EXTENDED Cuts! Stop saying you cut taxes, Obama!Iraq war is still going on using private mercenary forces. We just don't report those losses since they aren't troops. #2012debateOh no! What ever would we do if we returned to Bush policies of endless debt, unconstitutional wars and eroding civil liberties?#2012debateRomney: that thing I did that's the same as that thing you did? Totally different. However, people can move OUT of a state to opt out.Obamacare helps the middle class by Adding 40k new middle class jobs..for IRS workers. #Debate2012Excellent point on legal vs illegal immigration: wholly unfair to those doing it properly. #2012debateEllis Island reference! Too easy, too easy...#2012debateFlow of undocumented workers across the border is the lowest in 40 years because the economy is the worst in 80! #2012debateHow about this for an immigration plan? Anyone can come, anyone can go, and no welfare for citizens or non. Let the market work.#2012debateObama: We're a nation of that Constitution which myself and my colleague here completely ignore! #2012debateWhen Obama mentioned the Constitution, did the edges singe a bit? Anyone have a museum contact we can check with? #2012debateWhoa - did Bad Lip Reading just take over the broadcast? "Mr Pension, Mr Pension, Mr President"These two are mocking each other and taking over each other like the two old guys in the balcony on "The Muppet Show" #2012debateNext question comes from... a Brain Trust?? That this guy is a member of? Also, Libya is dangerous. At least since we sent Al-Qaeda in.Sooo sweet Global telecom supply, Minneola name drop!! Can't buy advertising like that. #Debate2012Obama gave the Benghazi Team 3 instructions 1) More security 2) Found out who did it and 3) Blame it all on a YouTube video.#2012DebateObama here is what happened: countries we have occupied or attacked or have meddled in politics hate us. Thus revolt.#2012debateObama did NOT end the war in Iraq - he tried to keep troops there but was rejected by the Iraqis...and then replaced them with contractors.Obama is the one who has to send impersonal form letters to the soldiers his failed foreign policies have killed. #2012debateYou know how we could have prevented the Libya attack? By not bombing the crap out of the country & backing a terrorist army in 1st place.Obama did NOT tell people the day after Benghazi happened that it was a terrorist attack. That came out via leaks, then from gov days later.Is Candy Crowley hiding the Muppets in her suit? #2012DebatePLEASE have a longer conversation in foreign policy so we can appreciate how it’s virtually identical. #Debate2012Obama wants to keep AK-47′s out of the hands of criminals, and put them into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. #2012DebateRomney: I’m not in favor of new laws restricting guns…I got all worn out doing that as Governor of Mass #2012DebateJapan: guns are illegal. Know who still have guns? Criminals.Romney: Obama’s gun running scheme was just “Too Fast, Too Furious” #2012DebateDid they intentionally put all of the hefty attendees of this debate in the front row? #2012debateRomney touting how we need more “bipartisan compromise”…which is always code for “more government, less freedom” #2012DebateWas Obama’s “no matter what they look like” remark a slight atCandy Crowley? Or am I just reading into things? #2012debateThe government is always working together and at its best when it’s the government vs. it’s citizens. #Debate2012I zoned out for a second…did Obama just say he wants to go back to Community College? I smell sitcom! #2012debateObama: “One more second, Candy…or I’ll drone strike your ass”#2012debateMillions of young people have been given the chance to go deep into debt on college loans on degrees that are worthless #Debate2012Does everyone in this audience have a cold? Or are they just not breathing through their nose cuz of all the bulllllllllll shi#!T?One good thing Romney wants to do is lower the corporate tax rate from a World High 38%. Won’t bring that up to this crowd though.#debateColor me shocked!!! Corp tax rate! BAM! Obama’s crazy regulatory costs! BAM! Romney’s on fiiiiiyaaaaaahhhhh #debateExactly what “rules” is China breaking? Is it worse than the devaluing of the currency the Federal Reserve is doing?Phrases not heard during the debate: “NDAA” “Federal Reserve” “Drone” “Constitution” “Guantanamo” “Patriot Act”….USA is the only country in the world that forces companies to pay US tax on money earned overseas if they rig it back to US. Double tax.A counterfeit Apple Store?!?! BOMB EM ALL!!!!! #2012debateObama shows his complete economic ignorance by saying he wants “high wage, high skill” jobs. Low wage, low skill jobs is how people learn.Jeebus how long is this thing?! Are we in overtime? #2012debateRomney pulling it all out for the big close…”missionary” “pastor” “Olympics”…oh yeah its’ the HOME STRETCH BABY! #2012DebateObama: “Government doesn’t create jobs…that’s why I spent a cool Trillion on “job stimulus”. #2012DebateHave to say Obama is a convincing class warrior, and unfortunately this rhetoric will work on many. 2 bad his record is all bankster, baby.Don’t worry Candy, I won’t “forget” to vote….#2012DebateAaaaaaanndd I’m spent. We’ll have some more comments in the next coming days, but for now, let’s just be happy we all made it through this thing alive.Good night…and good luck!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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