McCain & Bernanke On The Art of Being Wrong


Justin Raimondo wrote a great piece on Senator John McCain today. Raimondo is so right about how wrong McCain has been:

He told us the invasion and occupation of Iraq would be “fairly easy.” He pontificated that the anthrax attacks were delivered by the Iraqis. His preferred policy for Afghanistan: we should “muddle through,” rather than withdraw. When the North Koreans started acting out, he averred we ought to threaten them with “extinction.” And when Russia and the former Soviet republic of Georgia got into an armed conflict over the breakaway province of South Ossetia, McCain announced “Today, We Are All Georgians” and demanded we go to war with Moscow. He thinks Iran is training Al Qaeda: he also thinks Iraq shares a border with Pakistan.In short, McCain doesn’t know s%^*t about foreign policy: he has been wrong, wrong, wrong about absolutely everything.

This lashing brought to mind what famed investor Jim Rogers has said about The Great Counterfeiter, Ben Bernanke:

“Dr. Bernanke unfortunately does not understand economics, he does not understand currencies, he does not understand finance. His whole intellectual career has been based on the study of printing money,” he said. “Give the guy a printing press, he’s going to run it as fast as he can.”

and ...

"I am stunned that they would say some of the things they say in Washington and expect people to believe them and to listen to them especially Mr Bernanke , Mr Bernanke who has been wrong every time he has opened his mouth in the seven or eight years he has been in Washington." (my emphasis)

So while McCain is busy with the physical ruination of countless lives around the world, Bernanke finishes everyone off by financially ruining countless lives both here and abroad.They're quite a combo. 

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