We Are 1776: Three Teens Spearheading the Freedom Policy Movement


In a 1982 speech discussing the six stages of the libertarian movement, Murray Rothbard described the last stage as the "political stage" - the point at which libertarians engage in formal political activity for the purpose of education and effective pro-freedom policy changes. At the time of the speech, Rothbard saw this political stage emerging in the form of the burgeoning Libertarian Party. One would have to imagine that he would be incredibly thrilled with the progress since made with the libertarian movement, as the campaign of Ron Paul has inspired libertarian activists of all types to participate in politics on the local, state and national level.Three of these activists that have come to my attention in recent months are the trio of Alexander Scheer, Marc Connuck and Sridutt Nimmagadda - collectively known as "We Are 1776". We Are 1776 is more than just another run-of-the-mill libertarian rant website (lord knows we have enough of those...right?) Rather, these three young men have created a constantly-updated online public policy journal, which analyzes various legislation and political activity from the libertarian perspective.We Are 1776 sets itself apart from other "think tanks" in several ways. First, they do not bore the reader with fifty page white papers, instead breaking down issues in a very simple and effective manner. They always make sure to make the libertarian position on every issue clear and concise. Second, the group does not limit itself to the national dialogue.  They break down issues on the local and state levels as well, and currently provide policy analysis for eleven states as well as the District of Colombia. The crew has plans to eventually cover policy in all fifty states.Another thing that sets the We Are 1776 team apart? All three of the founders are eighteen or younger! When I was the age of these three inspiring young men, my biggest interests were professional wrestling and comic books. Meanwhile, these three young men are spending their free time analyzing public policy, and creating and managing a cutting edge libertarian organization. Truly inspiring!We often hear grumblings when we criticize certain politicians, even some under the "liberty" banner. This criticism is often confused with cynicism; the idea that we are such libertarian "purists" that we will criticize all political action because that's just how hardcore we are! The truth is that we agree with Murray Rothbard's view that the political stage is an essential one. After all politics is a major arena in which these philosophical dialogues take place, one that would be foolish for any movement to ignore. It is important that within this arena, libertarians maintain consistent positions on all of the issues, be they local or national.We Are 1776 provides an exciting tool libertarians can use to stay informed on policy, and to stay consistent to libertarian ideas. Your editor in chief is proud to give We Are 1776 the Lions of Liberty seal of approval, and declare them worthy of your support. Be sure to check out their website!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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