Oh Baby! US & UK: Shared Culture Of Distraction & Loss Of Liberty


Baby this, baby that, William and Kate and George Alexander Louis.I have nothing but ill-will towards the constant media coverage over the new royal baby that was just pushed out into the world amidst the flashing of cameras. I deride the shared infatuation between both the UK and the United States populations over what is, effectively, a tourist attraction. The royal family hasn't mattered in decades in a real-world sense, but perhaps because of our mutually shared heritage, Americans are paying attention to the goings-on of the royals as if they were their own. And they are ignoring the pressing issues that affect citizens of both countries.Media spectacles, such as this baby birthing and the recent mainstream typhoon coverage over the Trayvon Martin shooting (a story that should have been a non-story, if not for the race-baiting media) serve as handy distractions to take the populace's eyes off of what really matters. The cultures of both the U.S. and U.K. are celebrity-obsessed, dominated by gossip-mongers with an insatiable appetite for sensationalistic garbage. I wish that was the only common problem that we have, however the coziness of our governments bleed into each other in many, more nefarious, ways.Let's look at the recent PRISM scandal - who was our complicit partner in this? Yes that's right, it was the UK. Just like our government, they also have no problem spying on their citizenry via these underhanded means. The US is moving towards a system in which drone usage is rampant and surveillance of the population at all times is the norm. We have our big brother England to look up to, because what country is known for having CC cameras on every street corner? Yes, that's right! It's England! One of the absolute "surveillance state" forerunners and leaders worldwide.England is also complicit, as our close ally, in many of our illegal wars abroad. Just like us, they enjoy attacking and deploying troops without an official declaration of war, which is one of the few actual things that the Queen (or current ruling Monarch) is still needed for. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya all were undeclared as wars, yet UK troops were deployed abroad, killed abroad and were killed abroad.Here's another commonality between our countries: The UK versions of the Patriot Act, titled the Terrorism Act of 2000 (and subsequent versions) and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, which gives the Brits the legal ability to conduct surveillance over all communications.  Then there was the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, in which the British government tried to tag and monitor individuals and suspend a suspect's right to make phone calls, use the internet, work in certain fields and go certain places, plus have one's passport revoked and be under a duty to report to the police all without having any sort of trial. Fortunately, that portion of the act violated European human rights laws, and the British Parliament had to remove it. But they tried. Boy did they try.The Brits even have their own act that strips the right to a trial and allows detainment of suspects for up to 42 days without ever being charged with anything. Yes, the updated Counter-Terrorism Act of 2008! Though it's still better than the current American system of "in jail forever without trial" under the NDAA.Citizens of both nations must realize what is happening and what actually matters in this world. Royal babies who hold no real power do not. Ever-expanding governments that continue to strip away personal liberties do. It seems so simple, yet I doubt the tabloid headlines will echo anything close to the concerns laid out here when they go to print tomorrow.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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