Arizona's Assault On Solar Power: Government Monopoly On Display


Arizona has more sunshine than it knows what to do with - anyone who has spent even  a short amount of time there can attest to the blistering heat and almost unbearable intensity of the Sun's rays. Naturally, one would assume that this ample sunshine would be looked upon as a boon to a state that needs to consume vast amounts of energy to keep all of its citizens air conditioners running full-blast 24 hours a day. However, seemingly defying all logic, Arizona has declared war on solar energy and those who would foolishly seek to utilize and profit from it.Proposals put forth by Arizona's largest electric utility provider via government-granted monopoly, Arizona Public Service (APS), would cancel out the benefits enjoyed by those who use solar power to not only power their own homes, but also to provide excess power to the grid in Arizona. Previously, "net-metering" would provide income (or at least break-even status) for those with solar paneling on their homes or businesses.Essentially, APS is paying for power that comes in from those solar sources, which they then deploy throughout the grid to supplement the power they derive from coal and nuclear power. The new proposals would tack on fees for new solar users who wanted to partake in the net-monitoring system, or get rid of the net monitoring all together in lieu of a for more expensive APS created formula that "pays back" solar users via credit for the power they provide. Either way, it cancels out the gains of having solar.APS is literally claiming that the solar members aren't "using enough energy from the system." Yes, you read that right - they are being penalized because the utility says they aren't using enough of their energy. You would think that would be a good thing.This amounts to a government-sanctioned "tax" on sunlight via APS, which has read the writing on the wall - solar energy, while not perfect (and the millions lost via Obama's wasted grants to failed "green" energy companies can attest to that), is a renewable resource that is becoming cost-effective as technology advances. The big utilities see this and are taking steps to crush the competition and keep the reliance on fossil fuels going as long as possible.The proposals are being looked over by Arizona's Corporate Commission now. If it follows what has transpired recently in other states where the state monopoly utility company tried to pull this stunt against solar or other alternative energy source providers, such as in Georgia, Idaho, and Louisiana, solar may still come out on top.The real solution to all energy problems is to end the state monopolies on energy, and allow the free market to determine the best methods of energy creation and allocation.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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