Obamacare is Anti-Free Market Unless You're a Smoker


Obamacare is a behemoth destroying everything in its path as it lashes about uncontrollably. The one selling point of this awful legislation was that those with preexisting conditions would be covered. However, that doesn't apply to smokers, who are being unfairly targeted by this crony capitalism legislation for their crime of inhaling tobacco particles.Were this the free market, charging smokers more (up to 50% higher premiums than nonsmokers) would make sense.  If you have a preexisting condition/habit that makes you a higher risk and potential cost to the insurer than other customers, you pay more. Addicts, alcoholics, etc. all would pay more as dictated by the insurance company's policies as calculated by risk assessors. It's up to them to decide to insure you or not and at what rate.In this non-free market Obamacare system, everyone is accepted into insurance programs despite their preexisting conditions, without penalty, at an affordable rate (in [broken] theory). That is, except for smokers. And that is a travesty.

"Tobacco surcharges are not proven to help tobacco users quit and there are major concerns that they will prevent people from getting health care coverage," the American Lung Association's Jennifer Singleterry said.Unlike drug addicts, alcoholics, or the obese -- all of whom represent higher-than-average medical costs -- smokers are the only such group with a pre-existing condition that ObamaCare penalizes. It allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50 percent more than non-smokers for an identical policy, depending on the state and any subsidies the person might qualify for.

Obama's little pet project to force Americans to stop smoking is simply assuring that these people (and the 34% of Americans who smoke that are low income that this bill was supposed to help insure) don't get health coverage, or spend so much on it that they will be living in poverty-esque conditions because there is no money to spend elsewhere.You can't kill the free market only to allow ONE existing aspect of the free market system to remain that is targeted at ONE segment of the population. It's ridiculous and wrong.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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