Smile...You're on Crony Camera!

Vote buying, political favors, corporate welfare, corporate subsidies, licensure laws to keep out competition...If anything, these mischievous activities should be fun, right?Lindsey Graham is having fun...and so are some people at Walgreens:Lindsey_Graham__GrahamBlog__on_TwitterSounds like a "great time," doesn't it ? How can it not be?Here's a long aisle of shelves, filled with products....followed by another aisle of shelves, filled with products!Who's bringing the beer?What business does this warmongering Senator have in a Walgreen's distribution center? None least not in a free society. But I digress in talking about such a place.This is Crony Capitalist USA....where, who knows? Someday even you may be lucky enough to:Smile...Because You're on Crony Camera!

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