Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 22: Robert Wenzel

In this episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, I welcome in Robert Wenzel, editor & publisher of We discuss how Robert became a libertarian and what led him to start his own blog & podcast. Robert then explains his skepticism towards Bitcoin, his often controversial views on intellectual property, and why he believes its important for libertarians to keep a close eye on Rand Paul.Remember, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes or the Stitcher Radio App, and you can even listen to a live stream every Friday night at 7PM EST on Daily Paul Radio! And be sure to tune back in next Thursday, when I'll speak with:

Ben Swann4

Ben Swann

The Truth in Media Project /

 And I promise we'll have many, many more exciting guests yet to come on the Lions of Liberty Podcast!Miss an episode? Check out the podcast archive.Have thoughts on the show? Don't hesitate to email me!Additonal credit goes to:John Daubert, editing and mastering (check out his work here)Ron Branch for providing the Lions of Liberty Podcast theme music (check out his work here!).Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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