Felony Friday: Gun-Control Advocate Arrested For Carrying Gun On School Campus

The word hypocrite comes to mind when describing the actions of Buffalo resident Dwayne Ferguson.The Tea Party News Network reports on the anti-gun activist, violating the “gun-free” zone on a school campus.

Long time, anti-gun, community activist Dwayne Ferguson was arrested at a Buffalo, NY elementary school for carrying a gun on school premises. While Ferguson does possess a permit to carry a gun, that permit does not extend to carrying on a school campus. He faces felony charges for this incident…… chaos that ensued as police, SWAT teams, and K9 units descended upon the campus of Harvey Austin Elementary last Thursday at 4:15 pm following two 911 calls.While Ferguson had numerous opportunities to inform police officials about the gun that he was carrying, he failed to do so. He now faces two counts of felony charges for criminal gun possession.

Ferguson is the President of the Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS, which is an acronym for Men Against Destruction-Defending Against Drugs and Social-Disorder. MAD DADS is an anti-gun organization. They encourage chapters throughout the country to organize and assist community leaders with gun buy-back programs.Mr. Ferguson’s hypocritical actions have probably confused the issue of gun violence for the youths that he has mentored. He probably taught them that guns are evil and that only bad people carry guns. How can he now tell these same kids that he is in fact good, when his face is plastered all over the news, because he was caught carrying an “evil” gun?He probably wishes that he taught them that guns are inanimate objects. The gun itself cannot be evil. They are only dangerous when the person controlling the object uses it in a dangerous or careless way.Now he is a victim of his own devices.Organizations like MAD DADS can be dangerous because they present false assumptions. This occurs because adults that manage the organizations do not understand the complex factors that contribute to the violence and despair in their communities.The policies that enable unsavory characters to thrive need to end. Local communities ravaged by violence will not find peace by banning guns, prohibiting drugs, or funneling money from the State into “education” programs.Drug prohibition creates a market for harmful substances and forces transaction disagreements away from the courts, and into shady underground marketplaces. Drug dealers are left with no alternative, but to settle their disagreements violently.End drug prohibition and legalize the Second Amendment. This would create a more peaceful society.Check out our past editions of Felony Friday!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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