The Morning Roar: EPA Asks Employees Not to Poop in Hallway, North Korea Threatens War Over Seth Rogen Movie, and Congress' "We Shall Overcome" Performance

Welcome to your Friday edition of The Morning Roar! For today's Roar, we'll look at a few stories with a humorous bent because hey, it's Friday! Even the Lions can have a little fun while promoting the ideas of liberty, can't we?EPA Tells Employees To Stop Pooping in the HallwayNo, this is not an Onion headline. It's actually from The Daily Caller, and it's an accurate headline to an actual story:

Management for EPA’s Region 8 office in Denver, Colorado, sent an email earlier this year telling employees to cease their gross bathroom habits, including pooping in the hallway.The news site Government Executive obtained an email from EPA Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor from earlier this year, mentioning “several incidents” in the agency’s office building, including clogged the toilets and “an individual placing feces in the hallway.”Things apparently got so bad, the agency “consulted” with workplace violence expert John Nicoletti, who — not surprisingly — said poop in the hallways was an office health and safety risk. Nicoletti said such actions were dangerous and those responsible would “probably escalate” their feces plans.“Management is taking this situation very seriously and will take whatever actions are necessary to identify and prosecute these individuals,” Cantor wrote, pleading those with knowledge of the poop culprits to come forward.

I'm confident the irony will not be lost on most of our readers, but many well-intended individuals will ask "if not the EPA, who will make sure the environment is safe and clean?" It's a valid question, and one I attempted to answer in my interview with Timothy Terrell, where we discussed how respect for private property would greatly help mitigate many environmental issues which we currently de facto cede to the jurisdiction of the EPA.North Korea Threatens War Over New Seth Rogen and James Franco MovieNorth Korean leader Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, was reportedly a huge fan of American cinema. It appears that his son may not share the same affection for American cinematic culture, as the latest summer comedy from Seth Rogen and James Franco, "The Interview", has caught the ire of the North Korean dictator. CNN Reports:

"The enemies have gone beyond the tolerance limit in their despicable moves to dare hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership," a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman told the country's state-run news agency Wednesday...The distribution of the movie is "the most undisguised terrorism and a war action to deprive the service personnel and people of the DPRK of their mental mainstay and bring down its social system," the North Korean spokesman raged, using an abbreviation of the authoritarian country's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea."Those who defamed our supreme leadership and committed the hostile acts against the DPRK can never escape the stern punishment to be meted out according to a law wherever they might be in the world," the foreign ministry spokesman said."If the U.S. administration connives at and patronizes the screening of the film, it will invite a strong and merciless countermeasure."

So what's got Kim Jong Un's briefs in a bunch? The description of the movie courtesy of

In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show "Skylark Tonight." When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un.

There is one thing that brutal dictators hate more than anything, and that is being mocked by their subjects.  Quite possibly the most brutal dictatorship in the world, North Korea routinely executes its citizens for the crime of "watching foreign films." The tyrannical destruction of individual rights in North Korea is no joke, but hopefully the typically hilarious work of Rogen and Franco will also serve to highlight the terrible crimes being perpetrated by the North Korean government against its own citizens.Congress Performs "We Shall Overcome", Bathes In Its' Own IronyHave you eaten lunch yet? No? Good. Read the rest of this post, then wait forty-five minutes, and you should be ok.The fine folks over at have posted a video from this past Tuesday of members of Congress holding hands and singing "We Shall Overcome" to mark the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.The irony of a group of people who spend most of their day writing laws that largely infringe on rights holding hands and getting all lovey-dovey together about "civil rights" is once again likely not lost on our readers, and it wasn't lost on Ben Swann, who writes:

Are you kidding? The occasion is certainly a day worthy of remembrance but the line up of congressional leaders holding hands was enough to make just about any independent minded American queezy. From Rep. Nancy Pelosi holding hands with Sen. Mitch McConnell holding hands with Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid holding hands with a yes, crying Speaker of the House John Boehner, this video may be the best representation of people who do not embody the principles of Dr. King and have consistently voted against civil rights.It was Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner who joined forces voting against the Amash/Conyers Amendment in 2013 that would have stopped illegal monitoring of hundreds of millions of American citizens by the NSA. Is unlawful spying and the collection of metadata on every citizen regardless of whether they have been charged with a crime not a violation of civil liberties?Also in the video, Sen. Carl Levin who along with Sen. John McCain authored the indefinite detention clause of the National Defense Authorization Act. The clause, which allows any U.S. citizen to be arrested and detained without trial until the end of the endless war on terror has been repeatedly supported by Sen. Harry Reid and Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Read Swann's full rant here, and if you missed it, check out my interview with Ben Swann from the Lions of Liberty Podcast.Read The Morning Roar every weekday Monday-Friday!The Lions of Liberty are on TwitterFacebook & Google+Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

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