The Morning Roar: Rand Rips Hillary Clinton, Someone New is Leaking Government Info, and Israel Named Top Spy Threat to U.S. In New Snowden Doc

See that over there? That's Thursday. We're almost there. But for now, your Wednesday Morning Roar! Rand Paul Rips Hillary Clinton: Not Fit To LeadRand Paul took some feisty and sarcastic swings at Democratic front-runner and potential worst presidential candidate ever Hillary Clinton last Friday. I apologize for not hearing of it sooner, but it's too entertaining not to touch on, even late as it is. During a campaign stop in Kentucky Rand declared Clinton was "not fit to lead the country," a statement I wholeheartedly agree with, and agreed with before the atrocious lies and incompetent handling around the Benghazi embassy attack.But Rand wasn't done there. From the NJ Observer:

Paul, who is laying the groundwork to run for president in 2016, began his speech by mockingly saying he was losing sleep over Clinton's money woes. Clinton, who is far atop the polls among potential 2016 Democratic candidates, had said during her recent book tour that she and President Clinton left the White House "dead broke."Paul facetiously asked the crowd to observe "a moment of silence" for her finances."Somebody must have been praying for her," the Republican said seconds later, "because she's now worth 100, 200 million. I tell you it was really tough giving those speeches."At least, Paul jabbed, she didn't have to suffer alone: "She had her limo driver with her for the last 17 years to commiserate.""I hope she can deal with only 100 million [dollars]," he added. "I certainly wish that maybe she becomes preoccupied with something else because I don't think she's fit to lead the country."

Love it.U.S. Officials Say Someone Else is Leaking Classified Documents in Wake of Snowden Great news, gang, we have a new Snowden and the US Government has no idea who he or she is. Government officials confirmed to CNN that someone in the intelligence community leaked the new no fly list info to The Intercept recently.Via the Verge:

Almost a year since former NSA contractor Edward Snowden's leaked information was first revealed to the world, US officials today confirmed to CNN a new leaker is responsible for providing additional secret documents to The InterceptThe Intercept is an investigative website cofounded by Glenn Greenwald, the reporter to whom Snowden entrusted the bulk of his documents, and it has recently been publishing a series on the inner workings of the US government's terror watch list. Just today, The Intercept published a new article based on leaked information indicating that 40 percent of the 680,000 total people listed on the watch list have "no recognized terrorist group affiliation."

The documents, which The Intercept reported were leaked by someone within the intelligence community, further show that the separate "no fly" list banning people from air travel has expanded under President Obama to include 47,000 names, the highest number since the list was created in 2001.

You would really think that the government would be able to find whomever is leaking these documents easily, seeing as they are a brilliantly shining beacon of liberty...however liberty seems to be the one spot that the U.S. government is wholly blind to.New Snowden Doc Flags Israel as Top Spy Threat to U.SAn NSA document obtained via the leaked Edward Snowden files has revealed that the U.S. had flagged Israel - the American ally that we recently voted to give $225 million MORE dollars in aid to, plus carte blanche to raid U.S. ammo stores, as the top threat to the U.S. from an espionage perspective. From Newsweek:

Israel was singled out in 2007 as a top espionage threat against the U.S. government, including its intelligence services, in a newly published National Security Agency (NSA) document obtained by fugitive leaker Edward Snowden, according to a news report Monday.

The document also identified Israel, along with North Korea, Cuba and India, as a “leading threat” to the infrastructure of U.S. financial and banking institutions.

In a section of the document headed “Foreign Intelligence, Counterintelligence; Denial & Deception Activities: Countering Foreign Intelligence Threats,” Israel was listed as a leading perpetrator of “espionage/intelligence collection operations and manipulation/influence operations…against U.S. government, military, science & technology and Intelligence Community” organs.

Newsweek also reported in May that “Israel has been caught carrying out aggressive espionage operations against American targets for decades.” So, why are we supporting this country again? Oh yeah, that's right.

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