Another Classic Ron Paul Debate Moment; Schooling Bachman on Iran

Wow! The last debate of the season before the ominous Iowa caucuses lived up to its bill last night for us Paul supporters. Paul, while generally robbed on time as usual, certainly made the most of it. His Foreign Policy exchange with fear mongering Michelle Bachman was another classic Paul moment and reminiscent of the famous schoolings he has given to others like Rudy Giuliani in 08. While there were many moments of brilliance in his 18 or so minutes these 2 or 3 with everyone’s favorite foster mom was some passionate Paul worth watching again and again.


In response to the Iranian threat question, Ron reiterated that even sanctions are an act of war and that war with Iran is the most foolish and dangerous path the US could take. The lovable Fox minions stubbornly framed this position as “left of Obama”. Paul reminded them that this is simply the position of the American people and one that makes sense morally and financially. He continued to warn against an overreaction drawing parallels to the misleading Iraq war propaganda used to drum up support for that fiasco. As usual Ron gave a little history lesson to put things into perspective comparing this situation to the Cuban missile crisis in which diplomacy prevailed in the face of a much greater threat. Bachman decided to go to the neocon playbook and attack Paul’s policy of peace as “Dangerous.” Dangerous? So War with Iran is the safe play?


Something is clearly changing in the electorate; however, because Bachman’s fervent, “We are Americans” position actually got some boos. It seems that the anti-war faction is spreading and the hawkish jibber jabber is getting really, really old. So to add icing to the cake, Bachman went a little deeper in the neocon playbook and tied war with Iran to the best interest of……ISRAEL! This is becoming a real Israeli courtship these days. What are we talking about again? Anyway Ron comes back with another classic RP moment. If you’re short on time, skip to about minute 16 where Dr. Paul schools Bachman on Foreign policy and its impact. The pinnacle of this is Dr. Paul's rebuttal to her misinformed statement about the IEAA report. It’s actually pretty funny, he just looks super annoyed as he downright rejects her false information as simply untrue. He also uses the moment to remind us of antiquated concepts like the fact that we should only go to war when, you know, Congress actually declares war. That silly man probably thinks Congress should still pass a budget too!


Another highlight of Ron’s performance last night was the explicit statement on the powers of the Presidency that breaks his platform down to the simplest terms. He does not want to be a powerful President. He does not want to manipulate and attempt to run the economy. These are not the attributes of the executive branch described in Article 2 of the Constitution. As Ron said about a less powerful President, “It’s our tradition.”
Enjoy the rest and make sure to donate to Ron Paul's Money Bomb today!Also check out our Live debate recap from last night here.


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